For the last few months, DO Philanthropy has been working with a group in a small rural community that a few years ago was known as “the most divided town in Canada”.

In 2020, a group of parents, pastors and business owners got together and instead of complaining how few facilities there were for their kids in the area, decided “It’s our responsibility to build our community. We should not expect anyone to do it for us. Our parents and grandparents built this town. Now it’s our turn to roll up our sleeves and do the same.”

So they did.

They met with builders, had architectural drawings made, leased land, got council permission and began raising money to build The Malahide Athletic Centre, an air-supported, multi-sport dome that would allow kids from all over the county to play sports and engage in recreational activities all year long.

From the very first meeting, we knew this was going to be something different. For starters, with little experience but a razor sharp understanding of the need, they had already raised over a million dollars. Secondly, they were so nimble. Unhindered by layers of administration or road blocks, they made big decisions, together, on the spot, which meant they moved fast. Some days we struggled to keep up. Thirdly, but most movingly, they never confused their passion for sports with their purpose. “Passion,” says author Ryan Holiday, “is about. (I am so passionate about __________.) Purpose is to and for (I must do _______. I was put here to accomplish ___________.) Purpose deemphasizes the I. (It) is about pursuing something outside yourself.”

The MAC team have never faltered in their belief that their purpose is not to build a sport and recreation facility. Their purpose is to provide a place where the lonely can find community; the bored can find activity; the lost can find a way. “It’s not what people are going to do at the MAC that’s important,” explained Board Member Paul Leeking in the parking lot of the local Canadian Tire, “it’s what they are going to become when they go there.”

We have sat with the team as they laughed and joked their way through hours of strategizing. We have sat in meetings as they cried for the hurting and broken in their town. We have been humbled, encouraged and amazed but mostly, we have been inspired. Keep your eye peeled for what’s about to unfold in Aylmer. If you care about community and want to see selfless, effective, efficient generosity making a massive generational impact, look no further than The MAC. These guys do what they mean and mean what they say, and we are all going to be changed because of them.


3d giving : cycle 5 to survive


“Fundraising is precisely the opposite of begging.”