DO Philanthropy believes in the pursuit of well-executed, joyful giving that changes everyone involved.

The DO Philanthropy Team are strategists with decades of experience in the charitable and fundraising world.

We work with charities both nationally and internationally to assess and plan fundraising for 360-degree impact.

We work with philanthropists to implement a giving vision that is generous, focused, and joyful.


  • Design your annual or multi-year Fundraising Campaign

  • Conduct a Financial Feasibility Assessment

  • Develop an enhanced Branding and Marketing Strategy

  • Build a High Performance Staff and Volunteer team

  • Design a compelling Case For Support

  • Enrich your Donor and Customer experience

  • Grow your Strategic Alliances

“DO Philanthropy’s team hit it out of the park in preparing and presenting Investing Hope’s Case for Support. Their expertise in presenting to our Board of Directors was outstanding. We know it will be a great asset in our fundraising and in all our communication initiatives.”

— John Buller - Chairman, Investing Hope Foundation