3d giving : cycle 5 to survive

In an ideal world, giving is a bigger deal than receiving. For most of us, however, we give and then we go home and make macaroni and cheese. We are not impacted; we doubt we made a dent in the big sea of need; we just have slightly less bulging wallets and a somewhat salved conscience. We are not changed; they are not saved.

At DO Philanthropy, we truly believe this a tragedy because giving has the power to impact in 3D.

P.L. Meindertsma wanted the whole shebang. He wanted to truly help others in chronic need on a global scale, and he wanted to be personally transformed in the process. So he strategized for it.

With the spectre of turning 50 on the horizon, and knowing transformation requires planning towards a purpose, P.L. and his wife Kristen developed a goal of doing 5 epic bike rides across 5 continents, raising $500,000 on each ride for 5 charities over 5 years. With the first ride in North America ticked off, a second, bonus ride beginning October 12 (today) in Nepal, and the first million dollars raised, P.L and Kristen are doing what they planned to do physically and philanthropically.

However, of greater interest to their friends and acquaintances is the impact of the ride and fundraising on P.L’s openly longed-for (a rare and honest confession) emotional and spiritual transformation. Turns out, as Jesus once said, it truly is more blessed to give than to receive, and that strategically giving our whole selves to a cause for others is a guaranteed route to being changed.

Cycle 5 To Survive is an epic story DO Philanthropy has been privileged to be drawn into. It’s giving that has truly birthed tender, expanding hearts in every dimension - the givers, in the receivers, and in every single person in-between. We urge you to watch the video below, and to follow P.L. and Kristen along on their journey.

It’s a ride you might consider taking yourself.


