“Fundraising is precisely the opposite of begging.”

“Fundraising is precisely the opposite of begging. When we seek to raise funds we are not saying, “Please, could you help us out because lately it’s been hard.” Rather, we are declaring, “We have a vision that is amazing and exciting. We are inviting you to invest yourself through the resources that God has given you— your energy, your prayers, and your money—in this work to which God has called us.” -      Henri Nouwen “The Spirituality of Fundraising”

Henri Nouwen was an author, professor and pastor who wrote more than 40 books on the spiritual life. He was strongly motivated by a desire to live a life that was truly integrated professionally, spiritually, emotionally and physically. As a result, he drew people from all walks of life and backgrounds to himself. During his life, Wall Street bankers, politicians, teachers and the homeless came to Nouwen for his wisdom, friendship and direction.

On September 16, 1992, Henri Nouwen spoke to the Marguerite Bourgeoys Family Service Foundation about fund-raising. He spoke without notes, informed only by his rich intellect and experience. When he finished, he had delivered what remains to this day as the most unexpectedly profound essay on the purpose, heart and art of fundraising.

While your organization may not be faith based, and you yourself may have no interest in spiritual things, DO Philanthropy considers Nouwen’s authentic approach to fundraising as a critical text for all fundraisers and we provide it to all our clients as a starting place for personal and organizational examination.

“The Spirituality of Fundraising” is a short little book that looks at:

-       Seeing fundraising as a ministry and opportunity for others

-       The need to examine our own identity and relationship with money before we ask others for theirs

-       Having compassion not just for the poor, but for the rich, who are “also poor in other ways”

-       The necessity that fundraising “hold out the real possibility of friendship and community”

-       Prayer as the radical starting point of fundraising

Download the PDF at: https://www.perceptionfunding.org/uploads/1/6/8/9/16891606/spiritualityoffundraisingbyhenrinouwen_267.pdf




The Power of Relational Philanthropy